Destruction of Records

Records can be sent directly to destruction if they have met their retention requirements according to the USG Records Retention Schedule. Document destruction service is available to all University departments through the Records Center. The University contracts with a bonded destruction company to ensure that documents are destroyed securely and confidentially.

Please follow these guidelines when submitting material for destruction:

  • Boxes sent for destruction must be labeled with a control number that you receive from the Records Center. Complete the Box Transfer Form for Destruction below to request a control number.
  • Please do not send outdated pamphlets, telephone directories or advertising junk mail that could normally be handled through recycling.
  • Please make sure all items sent for destruction are packed in boxes that can be easily handled by one person. Copier paper boxes with lids are ideal for destruction purposes. It is imperative that the boxes be securely closed for safe shipping across campus.
  • Departments may choose between doing a self-delivery or hiring UGA Facilities Management Division (FMD) for delivery. FMD can be hired by completing their Work Request Form. Please include the control number on the form. If your department chooses to self-deliver, please notify the Records Center before delivery.

Questions? 706-369-5926