The Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library advances the research, instructional, and public service mission of the University of Georgia by collecting, preserving, and providing access to the published and unpublished works that document the evolving history and culture of Georgia and its peoples. The Hargrett Library documents the state's literary, cultural, social, and economic legacy; and it builds collections of distinction in other areas, including natural history, ecology and environmentalism, history of the book, performing arts, women’s history, journalism and print media, and University history. For more information, please read Hargrett's Collection Development Policy.
The Hargrett Library welcomes donations of materials that fit our mission. If you are interested in donating materials or would like to learn about other ways to support the Hargrett Library please contact:
Katherine Stein, Director
If you are interested in donating materials related to UGA history, please contact:
Steve Armour, University Archivist
Statement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Hargrett Library supports the University’s core values with respect to diversity and inclusion. We strive to create an environment of acceptance and respect in which all students, faculty, staff, and visitors feel welcomed and included at the Special Collections Libraries. In support of the UGA Libraries Diversity Plan (, we seek to build a more diverse and inclusive collection through identifying weaknesses in our holdings, prioritizing current collecting activities to increase diversity, actively soliciting collections from underrepresented groups, and focusing on equity of voices and experiences in our exhibits and public programming.