Miller Learning Center

Libraries Offer Virtual Orientation Sessions for Graduate Students to Learn about Services

Submitted by Camie on

UGA graduate students can meet their subject specialist librarian and learn more about resources and services that can aid in the academic journey through virtual orientation sessions offered this August.

UGA Libraries’ research and instruction librarians will conduct sessions via Zoom beginning Monday, Aug. 17. The one-hour orientations will introduce students to offerings, including citation managers, and teach how to search databases.

UGA Libraries Offer Spring Break Hours

Submitted by amywatts on

During the University of Georgia’s spring break March 7-15, students, faculty and staff may continue to visit UGA Libraries, although various locations will operate on a different schedule.

The Main Library on North Campus and the Science Library on South Campus will close on Sunday, March 8 and reopen 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, March 9 through Friday, March 13. The locations will return to normal business hours on Saturday, March 14.

The Miller Learning Center will be closed over the weekend, March 7-8, and operate reduced hours from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, March 9 through Friday, March 13. The facility will close on Saturday, March 14, reopening at 1 p.m. Sunday, March 15 to resume normal 24-hour-a-day operations.

UGA Libraries to host book reading for Grady alum Oakley

Submitted by Camie on

Author Colleen Oakley will return to her alma mater to read from her latest novel.

The book event will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 23 at the University of Georgia’s Miller Learning Center. Sponsored by UGA’s Libraries, the event is free and open to the public, and a light reception will follow.

Oakley’s latest novel, You Were There Too, is one of O Magazine’s Top 22 Romance Books of 2020, a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review and a Library Reads January 2020 pick. Oakley will read from the book and sign copies afterward.

Libraries’ Undergraduate Research Award Helps Students Grow As Scholars

Submitted by Camie on

With a librarian’s help, Isabell Ott’s research project grew exponentially into a complete history of an understudied group of viruses comprised of 300 sources of information. Jeri Sasser learned sophisticated methods for an extensive literature search that are key to her new adventures in graduate school, and Lauren Boyd discovered new sources and new ways of thinking critically that lead to summer field research in Baja Big Sur, Mexico.

These three students are just a few examples of the influence that the UGA Libraries Undergraduate Research Award has had on students in the past year.

Since 2007, the Libraries’ Undergraduate Research Award (LURA) has encouraged and

rewarded research excellence and growth as a scholar.

Student Projects Sought For Capturing Science Contest

Submitted by Camie on

UGA Libraries is hosting the 2019 Capturing Science Contest to encourage STEM communication in a diversity of formats. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for $3,000 in prizes.

Guidelines: Explain a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concept to a broader audience using any medium of your choice.

Prizes: The top three undergraduate and graduate submissions each receive prizes of $1,000, $350, and $150.

Deadline: 5:00pm, December 2, 2019

Eligibility: All currently-enrolled UGA undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Students may submit works used for other class assignments. Multiple entries are acceptable.

Contest Criteria: Submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:


Submitted by amywatts on

The Zell B. Miller Learning Center is closed to the public and campus community until further notice due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Access to archival materials at Special Collections Libraries limited Saturday, March 9

Submitted by cleveland on

The UGA campus will not have internet for most of the day on Saturday, March 9th.

At the Special Collections Libraries, this means we will not be able to provide access to materials. If you would like to view materials on Saturday, please contact us or 706-542-7123 by 12pm on Friday, March 8th.

For the other campus Libraries, this means that you will not be able to login to our computers, and our systems (e.g., websites and other resources) will be inaccessible. You will still be able to check out books.

UGA will conduct network maintenance during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.



UGA-wide network and information systems outage, March 9

Submitted by deborah on

The University of Georgia will conduct network maintenance on Saturday, March 9 beginning at 8:00 a.m. This means that both campus internet and campus information systems will be down, possibly all day.

For the Libraries, this means that you will not be able to login to our computers, and our systems (e.g., websites and other resources) will be inaccessible. You will still be able to check out books.

Special Collections will also be affected. The outage will impact their ability to provide access to materials. If you would like to view materials on Saturday, please contact Special Collections at or 706-542-7123 by 12pm on Friday, March 8th.

GIL and GALILEO will only be accessible if you are using a *non-UGA internet service provider* at the following URLs:


GIL-Find Catalog