The Georgia State Capitol building and grounds (Wikimedia Commons)
The Georgia Capitol Museum (GCM) is an educational facility located on the fourth floor of the Georgia State Capitol building in Atlanta. The Tour Desk is situated on the second floor near the Washington Street entrance.
In 1895, Governor William Yates Atkinson designated the top floor of the Capitol as a temporary museum to exhibit rocks and minerals illustrating Georgia’s rich, diverse natural resources. As new items were collected, the museum’s focus evolved. The GCM now seeks to document, preserve, and provide access to the complete history of the Capitol as well as the events that have transpired within its walls and on its grounds.

Exhibits showcase the building and interpret events that have shaped Georgia’s history. Popular displays include models of both Miss Freedom and the Capitol Dome, Governors’ artifacts, and dioramas depicting Georgia’s climate regions: mountains, piedmont, plain, swamp, and coast.
With the passage of S.B. 190 in 2011, the General Assembly authorized transfer of the Georgia Capitol Museum from the Office of the Secretary of State and the Georgia Archives to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and, specifically, the University of Georgia Libraries. In January 2013, the University Librarian transferred management of all GCM activities and staff to the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, a department of the University of Georgia Libraries.
GCM staff manages the museum’s collection of artifacts including works of art, historic flags, and material culture. Researchers can view the Capitol Museum collection online via the Virtual Vault. For questions related to the collection, please contact Karin Johnston Dalton at kjohnsto@uga.edu or 404-463-0583.

GCM staff also provide a variety of tours and oversee educational activities at the Capitol. Guided tours must be scheduled in advance. Please visit the Tour Desk on the second floor for assistance or find tour information at https://www.libs.uga.edu/capitolmuseum/.

Karin Johnston Dalton
Museum Registrar and Collection and Exhibitions Manager, Georgia Capitol Museum
Sophia Queen
Tour and Museum Educator, Georgia Capitol Museum
Stephen Murray
Museum Educator, Georgia Capitol Museum
Sheryl B. Vogt
Director, Georgia Capitol Museum
206 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334
Capitol Hours
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Washington Street entrance closes at 4 p.m.)
Closed All Georgia State Holidays
Adults 18 and over must present a government-issued, photo ID upon entry.