Research and Computational Data Management (RCDM)
Data Wrangling with R
Join the Research and Computational Data Management department and UGA Carpentries for an R workshop on Data Wrangling with R, in person in the McBay Science Library, Room 217. This workshop will be led by Keiko Bridwell on September 18th at 4pm.
Python for Text Analytics
This workshop provides an overview of python libraries and commands for text analytics. No prior experience necessary.
Making with Generative AI
Topographic Models for 3D Printing
Participants will utilize the USGS National Map 3DEP Lidar Explorer to define a topograp
Endnote for Citation Management
Need help managing your citations? EndNote can be the solution.
GACRC resources for AI workflows
This talk will provide an overview of resources tailored specifically for artificial int
Overview of HPC Resources at the GACRC
This talk will provide an overview of the high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructur
Staying Safe in a World with Predatory Journals
This workshop provides strategies to identify and avoid predatory open access journals, equip
From Chaos to Clarity: Demystifying Research Data Management
This presentation will provide a foundational understanding of research data management,