Quick Full-Text Hack: LibKey Nomad

Want to avoid paywalls and skip the extra steps? 

Download LibKey Nomad

  • Download LibKey Nomad to get fast, one-click access to scholarly full-text articles and ebooks provided by the UGA Libraries, without using the library website. It works on publisher/journal sites, Wikipedia, PubMed, ResearchGate, and other sites. 
  • Once you have added LibKey Nomad to your browser, make sure to set your institution to UGA.
  • Once installed, you'll see the LibKey Nomad icon pop-up when UGA full-text is available.


Image of a citation in a database with the LibKey icon next to it


You might also want to try Endnote Click and Google Scholar Button.  Read our comparisons: 
Endnote Click

Connects you to full-text from Web of Science, PubMed, arXiv, and other sites on the open web. 

Integrates with and exports to Endnote and other citation management tools. You can use the Locker in Endnote Click to save PDFs and your search history.

The user interface can be somewhat clunky. 

Full-text connection is not as reliable or as comprehensive as LibKey Nomad.

Requires Endnote Click account.

Google Scholar Button

Provides easy access to Google Scholar full-text, searching, and citation tracking and formatting from any website. 

You can save article records to your Google Scholar library.

Full-text access via “View it @ UGA” is not as quick and direct as LibKey Nomad. 

Whereas LibKey Nomad and Endnote Click buttons pop-up when full-text is available, you have to actively click on the Google Scholar Button to check for availability.



Other free browser plugins include: