Capturing Science Contest Winners Announced

Submitted by Chandler Christoffel on

CAPTURING SCIENCE CONTEST LOGOWinners of the second annual Capturing Science Contest, which challenges UGA students to communicate STEM concepts using any media or genre, have been announced.

A variety of disciplines were represented in the 36 submissions covering STEM concepts. Students submitted games, videos, poetry, art, illustrations, photography, interactive activities and displays, educational guides, a podcast, and other media. Entries were evaluated by judges according to the following criteria: clarity of expression, creativity, and appeal to a broad audience.

The winners of the 2018 Capturing Science Contest are:


Graduate Category Undergraduate Category 

1st Place: Tong Li

Submission: Quantum Teleportation and Magic - Video

Award: $500

1st Place: Ben Burgh

Submission: N3TW0RK: An Analog Game of Digital Communication

Award: $500

2nd Place: Cassidy Lord 

Submission: Where’s My Creek? - Educational Guide 

Award: $250

2nd Place: Kayla McElreath

Submission: The Urban Heat Effect & Climate Change - Video 

Award: $250

3rd Place: Kathryn Koopman

Submissiongamma rhythm - Video Art

Award: $100

3rd Place (tie)

Name: Kelly Mayes

Submission: All That Crawl: An Arthropod-cast - Podcast

Award: $100


Name Jenna Scott 

Submission: Reabsorption: A Board Game for Life

Award: $100


Honorable Mention

Name: Daniela Murcia

Submission: March to Andersonville Prison: STEM Edition - Game


View these winning entries at our contest site, along with commentaries explaining how they capture the spirit of the contest. From the site you can also view all other submissions, which can be browsed by subject and media/genre. 

Thanks to UGA Libraries Administration and the Office of Research for their financial support. And special thanks to our contest judges, who also wrote the commentaries about our winning entries: Ariel Ackerly, Kelsey Forester, Lindsey Reynolds, and Mazie Bowen.