Faculty Organization and Governance

The Libraries' Faculty Committee on Faculty Organization and Governance (FOG) is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the UGA Libraries' Faculty Bylaws accurately reflect faculty practice. To this end, the Committee shall identify discrepancies between faculty practice and the Bylaws, apprise the Advisory Board and Faculty of said discrepancies, and recommend changes in either the Bylaws or in practice to eliminate said discrepancies. The Committee shall review each section of the Bylaws annually and report on the results of this review at the first fall faculty meeting.

Subsequently, the Committee shall consider possible revisions to the Bylaws generated by itself, by motions from the Faculty, or by charge from the Advisory Board. The Committee shall report to the Faculty on such possible revisions in a timely manner.

SOURCE: Charge to the Committee, Faculty Advisory Board, May 6, 1991, revised October 1994, updated by the Libraries' Faculty, April 1995, updated October 1997.